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(08) 9388 9779
(08) 9388 9779
What can I expect when visiting
Interface Technology?
We learn all about you!
This is you personalised assessment to help us plan the right prescription for you.
During a fitting stage, our clinicians will fit the device on you, provide instructions and care advice.
Our clinicians will review how you are adapting to the device, check your progress, and make any changes that may be required.
We use a variety of procedures in the casting stage, we use plaster of paris, fibreglass and 3D scanning in some cases.
How does the process begin at Interface Technology?
The orthotic and prosthetic services provided at Interface are based around a model of health care, which balances the scientific evidence with the clinician’s experience and the clients preferences and values. It is our obligation to inform you of your short-term and long-term treatment options, costs and likely outcomes, which may or may not include orthotic or prosthetic treatment and/or referral to other therapies. You are then given the opportunity to decide which path you would like to take, as you balance your own functional, aesthetic, medical and financial considerations. 
Our clinic is located in West Perth, less than 1km from major freeways in all directions, and there is free parking on-site. Appointments are available by phone 08 9388 9779 or email Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm. 
Monday to Friday - 8am to 5pm